Proceedings of the 1999 Velomobile Seminar

"Assisted Human Powered Vehicles"

August 18 1999 at Interlaken, Switzerland

 Proceedings of the Velomobile Seminar 1999 "Assisted Human Powered Vehicles and Velomobiles - Wettergeschützte E-Fahrräder"

First edition - Liestal : Future Bike Switzerland (Ed. Fuchs and Schmidt) 1999

ISBN 3-9520694-1-8

Velomobiles powered by pure human power can achieve - due to their good aerodynamics - great speeds (hour record 78 km/h) and also provide excellent weather protection, but their extra weight is a handicap for non-athletes in hilly areas. On the other hand electrically assisted bicycles offer the highest average speeds in urban riding but    little comfort and weather protection. Merging these two classes of vehicles we will possibly arrive at vehicles which protect from too much sunshine and too much rain, which are aerodynamically efficient but nevertheless as fast in the hills as in the flat !

The proceedings: They contain 27 papers on 256 pages: 21 papers deal with the main topic "Assisted HPV" and 6 papers are about HPV in general.

Coloured covers. The proceedings contain many figures and pictures.





A. Fuchs & Th. Schmidt

What Good is Power Assist? An Introduction to the Velomobile Seminar

Hannes Neupert

Chancen der Kombination von HPV mit Zusatzantrieb

Health and Power


Allan V. Abbott

Health and the Reintegration of Physical Activity into Lifestyles in the New Millenium

C.G. Rasmussen

Who Needs Power Assist?

P. Zamparo, C. Capelli & P. Cencigh

Energy Cost and Mechanical Efficiency of Riding a Four Wheels Human Powered 'Recumbent' Vehicle (karbyk)



H.P. Barbey

Development of a New Concept of Power Transmission Considering Human Performance

Andreas Fuchs

Chainless Electrical Human-Power Transmissions and their likely Applications Vehicle Concepts and Design

L. Bergeron, L. Clement & A. Fuchs

Urban Quadracycle

John Jostins

Greenheart MicroCab Project - The question of hybrid power: Combining human and electric power in an ultra lightweight vehicle

Harald Kutzke

The 'Scooter Bike' as an example for an 'Active Bicycle' with electric transmission

Ch. Henry, U. Michel & Theo Schmidt

PedalLine, a new VeloTaxi concept

Practical and proven Vehicles


Mario Chiaffrino

Assisted Velomobile-Project 'PEDALOSOLARUS REX'

Eberhardt Scharnowski

The HALF-Mobiles: Experience gained

Ian Sims

Cycling Hills in Top Gear - Power Assistance for Trikes

Robert K. (Bob) Stuart

The Car-Cycle X-4 , a Pioneer of Integrated Suspension

R. Schnyder & P. Zeller

Twike - pedalling on the highway

Marketing and Transportation


Ed Benjamin

Selling Pedelecs to the USA Market

German Eslava

Experiance of Power Assisted Velomobiles Based on the Cab-Bike Usage Within Modena European Union Supported Practical Test

Stefan Gloger

Traffic Mode Selection and the Future of Individual Transportation

Aerodynamics versus Weight and Assist Power


Nickolas Hein

The Weight vs. Wind Resistance Tradeoff  - Making Sense of it

Stefan König

 The Velocity of Single-Track Recumbents and Multi-Track Velomobiles in Everyday-Use

Michael Saari

What Do We Mean by 'Range' anyway? Some Sensible Methods, and a Windfall Result

Combustion Assists


John Tetz

Up-Hill Assist

I. Urieli, E. Lyles & A. Ross

A Bridled Electric Assisted HPV Complemented by a Stirling Engine/Generator Range Extender

Boats and Amphibious Vehicles


Theo Schmidt

Extra Energy on the Water

Olli Kuusisto

Perspirator Witch - An Attempt to a Human-/Electric Powered Vehicle with Amphibious and Solar Options



M. Wächter, N. Zacharias & F. Riess

The Validation of SimBike a Development Tool for Bicycle Suspensions