[velomobile.de] [Events] [Interlaken-E] [Biebertal-E] [Sweden-tour]


Picture Gallery of Velomobiles

Velomobiles are pretty good for travelling.
Here are some reports of journeys in Germany, Switzerland and Sweden. 

“Mit Gelati und Stöckchen nach Interlaken” - (German version yet)

“The Kilojoule Power of marzipan cake” - From Rüsselsheim to Biebertal (close to Giessen) in Germany

“Velomobiltour durch Schweden” - From Rüsselsheim to Havdenssund (betw. Göteborg and Oslo, German version).

“Biebertal-Meeting 2000”

Biebertal-Meeting 2001”

“Biebertal-Meeting 2002” - external link to a site in the Netherlands

Velomobiles attract more and more interest on events where this new type of vehicle is presented. It is a minority who knows what a velomobile is!

The event page shows some pictures...
